Good evening Georges, Here is Mardando’s story including a photo of the three of us:…
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Facebook group praises quality GoldMedics supplements
by onHorse Riding Questions is a closed Facebook group with over 10,000 members. Questions are regularly…
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7,000 people saw the anti-stress effect of CALM GOLD with my pony!
by onHello, a little feedback: I followed your recommendations: COMBI GOLD and CALM GOLD. + 40ml…
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COMBI better than all other supplements
by onHi Anke, A short testimonial for you 🙂 My horse had been suffering from manure…
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Lameness and Cushing gone
by onThe ponies are enjoying the sun. Your Flex Platinum and Combi Platinum products work well,…
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Telomere length (indicator of aging) improves!!
by onA new study in dogs showed that a combination of 1. omega 3’s, 2. anti-inflammatories…
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Super result with FLEX PLATINUM
by onI am very pleased with your flex platinum supplement. I notice a clear difference with…
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DOLO- LESS saves the mare from euthanasia
by onIn January 2021 our horse Penelope KWPN (then 24, now 25 years old) became ill.…
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Concentrates disrupt pH balance; Goldmedics remedy advice available
by onTexas A&M University has now shown it in black and white: the pH (acidity) of…
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